Covid-19 is putting our lives in standstill chaos.
We passed the initial stage of denial, shock, and anxiety for some and we are waiting for the end of the crisis, carrying on as best as we can.
Crisis means adapting and leading.
We interact with people we know but on different topics and different circumstances: Take the example of homeschooling - How do you adjust your communication when you are helping 13 years old Janis to complete a school report? What to do or say when Janis has her eyes locked on her phone or does not want to get up or do anything at all?
The new situation brings new communication challenges. I want to help.
This interview with Delphine Brevet-Galliot- English Teacher in France - is to address aspects of what you can do and what you can say when homeschooling teenagers.
At the time of the interview, France had been in lockdown for 4 weeks.
The editing of the video is done by an amateur (aka me!) who is learning as she is doing. Thank you for your kindness.